
Theme: Action research & studies

4S is pioneer in performing study and research, and in establishing sustainable and replicable models for the ultimate goal of uplifting the socio-economic status of poor and marginalized families. The study includes- Baseline survey, Local Area Economy (LAE) study, Value Chain study, Feasibility study, Scoping study, Landscape study, Scheme mapping, End-line study or Evaluation study etc. It has done survey and research on various thematic areas for different Central/ State Governments and National/ International agencies.

Another major wing of the research cell is “Action research”, which involves an interactive inquiry process that balances problem-solving actions implemented in a collaborative context with data-driven collaborative analysis or research to understand underlying causes enabling future predictions about any project.

4S has over 10 Extended Faculty members (A mix of practitioners and academicians), who are either freelance consultants or associated with different agencies across various states of India, involve in knowledge building and dissemination activities of the organization.

Ethnographic Study of Paharia community in Jharkhand

Aim of the Action Research

The project aims to understand and document the current challenges faced by the Mal Pahadiyas and develop an enabling framework for their sustainable development.


  • Ethnographic  Research : Develop a good understanding of the tradition, culture, lifecycle, lifestyle and aspirations of the community
  • Basic well-being activities : As Entry point activities to reduce their immediate vulnerabilities and win trust of the community
  • Community centred approach, where- the Gram Sabha, Self Help Group (SHG) and Village Organizations are spearheading the development processes.
  • Use of community resources (knowledge and traditions):- documentation, skill enhancement, branding etc.
  • Demand-led activities to enable increased demand from the community through their empowerment; through the community institutions, demands from within the community are collated and claimed for better access to entitlements
  • Develop a framework for sustainable development of the Mal Pahadiyas based on the outcomes of the research

Impact Study on Covid on Migrants in Bihar

Study title- Impact of Covid-19 and related Lockdown on rural HH

Funding agency: Own fund

Study Period: December 2020

Brief of the study: 4S is the members of Rapid Community Response to COVID-19 (RCRC), a national level coalition of civil society organization. As a part of this coalition member, more than 40 organizations, including 4S has done a survey in over 10k HHs across India to monitor the Impact of Covid-19 and the Lockdown on the Migrant Workers, Small and Marginal Farmers, Tribal communities and the Vulnerable Households. There were three rounds of survey, out of which last one was conducted during third quarter of this FY.

Impact Study on women in food security in Bihar and Jharkhand

Study title- End line survey of the project “Women in Food security”

Funding agency: PRADAN

Study Period: November- December 2020

Brief of the study: The project was implemented in 76 villages in 4 community blocks of 3 districts (Jamui, Banka and Dumka) in Bihar and Jharkhand state from Oct’16 – Sep’20 to ensure year-round food security of the small-holder farmers, especially women. The current initiate is the end-term evaluation of this project to assess evidence to validate the accomplishment and/or challenges of the project in key areas (relevancy, efficiency, effectiveness sustainability and impact). Primary data was collected from project team, selected 418 beneficiaries through HH survey, VLTs and stakeholders through Key Informant Interviews/ KII and Focused Group Discussion (FGD) of SHGs and VOs. For qualitative data, A six point scale was used to assess the level of satisfaction on performance of project.

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