
Theme: Responsible Livelihoods

The theme lies on the principal of promoting livelihoods of poor people that can cope with and recover from stresses/ shocks, which enhances the capabilities and their assets both now and, in the future, without undermining the natural resource base.

Based on the Local Area Economy (LAE) survey, 4S identifies potential livelihood sector of a specific area and provides end-to-end support to the rural poor through a package of services including institutional building, transfer of technology, productivity enhancement, local value addition, micro-enterprise development, financial assistance and marketing support in an integrated manner and ensuring that the interventions are socially, economically and environmentally viable.

Intervention covers all three major livelihood sectors including Farm, Off-farm and Non-farm.

Interventions in Farm Sector

Community mobilization

through Participatory rural appraisal, concept sharing meetings, village meetings

Training & capacity building of farmers

through in-house agri-experts, KVKs, Agri-Universities

Value chain development (VCD)

of agri-products and promotion of high value crops. It includes Banana, Potato, Paddy, Fisheries, Mushroom, Mustard, Vegetables etc.

Formation, nurturing & strengthening

of strong community based institution: Farmers Producer Organisation (FPO)

Marketing support

through establishing retail outlets and bulk selling through Mandi traders

Glimpse of Agri- value chain development in Eastern India

Promotion of Sustainable agriculture and allied activities in Aspirational districts of Bihar and Jharkhand

Initiative started on: April 2018

Location: Seven aspirational districts (Katihar, Araia, Begusarai, Seikhpura, Sitamarhi, Pakur and Sahibganj) of Bihar and Jharkhand

Objectives: To increase income of Rural households through reduction in cost of production and increasing productivity of major crops, Train staffs of Agriculture department through cascade training, demonstration through FFS , FPO promotion and convergence of Schemes

Low External Input for Sustainable agriculture (LEISA) and organic farming in Odisha

Initiative started on:  April, 2014

Location: Bargarh district of Odisha

Objectives: Promoting livelihood with intervention of agriculture and agri-allied Services, promotion of FPO , Promotion of Bio products and organic cultivation

Promoting livelihood with intervention of agriculture and agri-allied services in West Bengal

Initiative started on: December, 2018

Location: Hooghly district, West Bengal

Objectives: To increase socio-economic capital of marginal and small farmers through ensuring quantifiable improvement in production and maximizing returns to the farmers from Agriculture and allied sector interventions

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