
Responsible Livelihoods

The theme lies on the principal of promoting livelihoods of poor people that can cope with and recover from stresses/ shocks, which enhances the capabilities and their assets both now and, in the future, without undermining the natural resource base.


Institutional Development Services

4S, India has over the years have been building, trusting and empowering local community institutions as a key element of its strategy to support and promote livelihoods. Institutions of people which are participatory often form the bedrock of successful livelihood interventions.


Agri-business Development Services

4S support the Farmers/ Micro entrepreneurs/FPOs in aggregating their input and output demands and link them with various institutional buyers /distant markets /e commerce platforms.


Financial Inclusion Services

4S has been mandatorily working for increasing the availability, accessibility and affordability of financial services for the poor and marginalized community.

The intervention includes


Disaster management & Climate change

Intervention of 4S in disaster management includes three major components:

(a) Disaster preparedness- 4S has been working to take a measure to aware and prepare the vulnerable community so as to minimize the shock and effectively cope with the consequences, and to support the local government in disaster preparedness,

(b) Disaster response/ relief- 4S is always behind the community, who have been adversely effected, to meet their immediate need on a war foot basis, and

(c) Disaster recovery- For livelihood recovery, 4S first surveys the livelihood situation of the community, develops livelihood revival plan, and then implements accordingly.


Preventive health & Nutrition

Preventive healthcare deals with the prevention of illness to decrease the burden of disease and associated risk factors. 4S strives to educate the community, especially women, on health, hygiene and nutrition through awareness and BCC program. Increasing the sanitation coverage by strengthening the sanitation supply chain and increasing the demand among the community is another intervene tion to adopt better hygienic practices. 4S is also working for strengthening Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs), and sensitizing government functionaries and elected representatives towards Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM).


Women rights & entitlements

Women are one focused target clients of the organization. Since its inception, 4S has been working with a large number of rural women in Bihar, mostly from Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Mahadalit community, Extremely Backward Caste (EBC) and from BPL families.


Natural Resource Management

Like many countries, India is also facing the profound environmental impacts of rapid population growth and natural resource constraints. To address the global environmental issues, 4S has been engaged with the community to act locally.

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